Lyrics from " Super Psycho Love "


Lyrics from " Super Psycho Love "

52 0
omg lol
"um"checks heart, yeah still got a horrible life to live
aw * huggles *
hen so bored wanna chat I'm a sick
sure ^ w ^
yay!!! have you seen fairy tail the anime
no I sorry >^<
it's good but could use more death
Oh my gosh XD
I fell like its 12 amπŸ˜‘πŸ”«
*feel!! auto correct hates me!!😑
What time zone are you in? (sorry if I sound like a creeper. u don't have to answer that question if u don't want to)
no I'm just tired😴
and central time
oh I'm in eastern :/
jeez I just told my parents I was chatting with a person I actually know
oh..... .-.
oh eastern I'm actually close to eastern time like I live in a state close to Indiana sorta ish
and don't care about my parents it's fine idc
oh gosh I live in a state near NJ πŸ˜…
omg cool my moms from NJ
huh small world
is it nice (NJ) we haven't gone for like vacations cause my grandparents and parents don't talk much anymore
well gtg my mom is making wrap stuff up with "my friend"
aw bye * hugs * yeah it's pretty nice