mmmmm I would steal poopπŸ˜πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ‘…


mmmmm I would steal poopπŸ˜πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ‘…

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ok.. can u PLEASE delete the remix, I do not care wether it's amazing, it's just really gross to look at
u can put the poop emoji but please delete the real picture
POOP IS NOT GROSS....its amazing.......😍😍😍😍😍😍besides even if do delete it, I don't know how to
this is gross!! STOP!!
oh I will make sure you know how to delete a remix cuz it's DEFINITELY going to come in handy for you considering the amount of people who want you to STOP.
you swipe towards the left
you will get a delete option
you WILL click that butto
I don't want to sound mean
I'm sorry if I sound like a bully
People shouldn't judge me of my poop obsession! I posted a ton of beautiful poop pictures on people's collages and I'm sure they LOVE it! Why don't you see for yourself?πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ˜πŸ˜
but I want you to stop, and everyone else does to. luckily no one on pic collage has seen what I can do when I get angry, and I would like to keep it that way, and I'm sure you do as well
No one wants me to stop expect you! They love the poop! Why don't you?? Its awesome
if you post one more collage about poop on my page I will block you. I REALLY DONT want to block you. so plz don't make me
I only posted one beautiful poop picture on your collage poop is amazing and everyone thinks so too that's why I posted poop on their collages
ok, if everyone else likes it then it's fine, but take it off the pages of those who don't, and plz take it off mine please and thank you
Everyone likes the poop on their collages, and I know you secretly do don't you??? Even if you don't how can you not see its beautifulness?!?!?
I want u to stop too!!! SO STOP NOW!!
please delete the post on my page!! GROSS!
OK! listen up. I like the word poop. I like the poop emoji. I like it AFTER I go poop, and I like how the word is really funny. I wouldn't make fun of anyone about liking poop, but right now, you are getting on everyone's nerves by posting REAL pictures of poop. It's pretty gross, and we all would like you to stop. You can put the poop emoji, and better stuff, but PLEASE don't put pictures of real people poop. I respect your opinions, but you need to respect ours and delete the remixes. Or you will be blocked by many people.
actual pictures are disgusting to us, and we don't like it at all. and if you choose to not listen to me, then there will be many consequences like, many people will tell others to report all your collages, remixes, and comments they can find, and someone might start a hate page! I really don't support hate pages, and I would hate for that to happen to anyone including you! so for your own well being, stop posting these images, and please delete them!
I try to find the beauty in everything, but looking at it so often makes me feel even grosser. and... if my mom sees it on my collage I don't think she will let me be on here, so if you want me to have to delete my account, then fine. don't delete it. but if you truly want me to stay here, you can delete the picture. if you have tried to delete the picture, and it won't work, it would be appreciated that you apologize to us all.
and yes. no one expects you to stop but they have HOPE. HOPE that you will stop, but they think that most likely you won't because you know it bothers us! and it's not up to you to decide who likes it and who doesn't. it's up to them. so far, everyone who has been a victim of this grossness has not appreciated the things you've posted on our pages and we would all like you to stop. unlike you I have looked at their pages and seen what they have asked you and we all want you to stop. enough joking around. please. now.
I can post so much more but I am so sure that u as well are getting tired of me telling you to stop. if you don't stop, I can go on, and on, and on, and on, and on. about why and how you have to stop and that's going to be a lot more reading for you to do. much harder, and if you keep this up, I have 11k followers who will all know about you. good, or bad. depending on what you decide to do. say sorry, and delete the collage and give me a spam, BOOM, shoutout, don't delete it and continue this, BOOM everyone knows what you do.
I'm so glad you listened to me! we can be friends now! it's fine u can't delete it!
but if u don't mind apologizing to everyone else, that would be even better!!
then you can get a shoutout!
well, you know how i cant delete them, that;s cause i cant see my remixes (my phone is acting weird im getting a new one next weekend) so i forgot the people who i posted the pictures! i only know you and rose 333.
i accidently dropped it on the floor when i was with my friends and it started acting weird ever since
if you want me to help you say sorry I can give you a list of people you've done it to!!
I really don't want you to have any haters!!!
that's all!!! now you shall have no haters
just write out one thoughtful one and copy paste!
the one u wrote to me was very thoughtful, and u should just write something like that and send it to everyone!
of course we can be friends! I wouldn't have done this much work if I didn't want to help!
I didn't want you to be bullied or anything so I simply made you aware!!
OMG REALLY!! I honestly don't know any of the story, and I can only know what is here on pc, u see her in person so that makes a lot more sense!
I'm not really taking any sides, cuz I don't know any story I haven't witnessed anything, but I can strongly say that no one is right here
I don't plan on getting involved so I don't need to know the entire story. and just go to soccerstars page and go to the one where she/he posted something bout bullying. u can see how ppl aren't being very nice to her either.
they don't know the entire story either, which is what ticks me off! they don't know the entire story, and the are easily taking sides!
well, I was kinda exploring, stumbled across soccerstars, and I saw the entire thing on one of his collages, checked out the other piccollage account..
and I figured what was going on
sorry I'm deleting most of the comments..
idk, it makes me feel weird seeing these things on my page
you need to stop remixing a picture of poop to other users like phebi,people don't like it
ya it's just not fair pls stay up to your limits
I forgive u