Collage by --HatersGonnaHate--


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Your a fûcking idiot. I'm NOT 12. and guess what?! I already hacked this account!
it sure doesn't sound like it. and your not in this account. so, yeah.
yeah. you hacked SHÏT, bïtçh.
^ agreed.
sure, my internet ones, but my paper ones could be a lot better...
this is amazing, look up "delete cant_stop_the_hate" and like it to raise awareness about that horrible person.
sadly, I am not allowed to tell you. yet.
and your always welcome.
sunny! I can't! I would be brutally killed!
but they are planning to tell you at the right time
great job girl!
he said he's too scared to fess up and talk to you
he likes your art and your personality
and he wishes he could just have the courage to talk to you.
I will. I'll see what he does than.
you are so very welcome.