*sigh* ANYONE? Or are they that ugly  ?


*sigh* ANYONE? Or are they that ugly ?

22 0
So good! 9/10! (I rarely give 10/10s so don't feel bad.)
hi can I please like some of my post thank u so much if u do 🍓
10000000000000 duh! I mean like who would give 0/10 -a hater or a dumb head!
11/10. good job.
Thanks, Abbie! That means a lot coming from you but I don't deserve such a high ranking town trophy! if anyone deserves it it's you!! so what if I gave most of my stuff to the poor! You are constantly kind, generous, Sweet, Caring, Loyal and Charming😉all the time! You deserve every trophy I earn way more than I do.
okay but I really have to go so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night
I missed you :(
Did you draw this yourself without a base?
Thanks Color_Stream 😊