I haven't felt nervous about starting school, but I guess that's because I've already experienced high school and it's not that bad. Well, it is when you have people at your school that get into fights and end up being in jail. I just try to avoid t


(tap) I haven't felt nervous about starting school, but I guess that's because I've already experienced high school and it's not that bad. Well, it is when you have people at your school that get into fights and end up being in jail. I just try to avoid t

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(continued caption) avoid those types of people or stay on their good side. So ya I'm just gonna try and be on a lot of people's good sides especially if they are bad kids because I don't want to be beat up or something like that. It's happened at my school before where one girl beat someone another girl up and she had to go to the emergency room or something. I'm happy I was on that person's good side because no way would I want that to happen to me.
oh my goodness! That happens at my school all the time. Some kid was followed around by a parole officer and I was like no thank you. Best of luck for the new school year, Emily! I believe in you!!