Fav book of the Bible: Philippians Fav story: Daniel in the lion's dEN OH MY GOSH // *revelation* but someone needs to write me a song phanfic with Danny Boy rn. I will pay you in eternal love


Fav book of the Bible: Philippians Fav story: Daniel in the lion's dEN OH MY GOSH // *revelation* but someone needs to write me a song phanfic with Danny Boy rn. I will pay you in eternal love

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it shouldn't even be a big deal. But I made it a big deal because this guy that I kinda sorta have a thing with saw it and I kinda freaked out even though I knew that I shouldn't have.🙈😂
This collage is lovely!💞
Phillipians is my favorite book too!!! Twinzies! Haha! 😂
Yesss! I have always like Esther! Another favorite, is Ruth! My name is in that book, so I always found that cool as a girl! 😂
what's your favorite verse from Philippians? I love Philippians 4:6-7 😊