Nana raised 9 kids and I turned out the meanest fûčk with me and your finished


Nana raised 9 kids and I turned out the meanest fûčk with me and your finished

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hey mike I missed u 😘😘😘
missed u too
so what ya doin every day I wait for u to get on bc not everyone wants to talk to me and u usually want to talk to me so ya
I just have the speakers bumping
listening to Still D.R.E.
ya cool so are u still dating Emma
yah! she was here at my place yesterday
cool I was just checking up so has school been
school is out for one more week
Christmas holidays
o my school is out for 2 more weeks
Dan u lucky haha but I rather be at school
it's boring here at my house
can you please not use bad words here online