Collage by tumblr_bro


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Do you have advisory at the end of the day? And when does school start for you?
hi guys
advisory is my 5th period and my school starts at 9:10 or 9:15 not sure
Wow when do you end ?
We start at 8:10
um 3:55
And we end at 2:40
And everyone in the school has advisory first
We have 7 classes a day
+ Lunch 🍴
same but for us half the students go to lunch and the other half goes to advisory and then it rotates so yeah
Wow that's late to end for middle school. To me at least......
ha what time do you end
In my area Middle schoolers start at 8:10 and end at 2:40.
And high schoolers start at like 7:00 or 7:10 and end at 2:00
oh I'm so sorry you probably have to wake up really early if I want I can wake up at like 8:00 and leave to the bus stop at 8:33
I can never get ready that early
Mostly because of my hair it's really curly so it's hard to make it loom right
And ya I get up at like 4:00 or 5:00 AM
hahaha I really don't take very much time to make my self look pretty I really care what people think on my style