I'm probably going to get hate for this but idc


I'm probably going to get hate for this but idc

32 4
this is really important
There are a couple of grammatical errors but otherwise yeah I guess
I agree with everything u said. people forget that they are real people with feelings. it's not fair to them
@doctorderp, exactly, people take it way too far
@-PhilAppreciation- It's not fair to them at all. why do we even wonder why they don't talk about it? because it's constantly shoved in their face
SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS. you are so amazingly right. it's gone a bit too far.
not even a bit. way too far
way too far
I'm just going for the "I won't date till I'm 20 excuse" makes them happy haha
I agree that the fans go to far- what makes me mad is when the phandom uses the comments as a way to chat and laugh with each other. I know that it's sometimes funny and entertaining to react together, but people are forgetting that it's important and serves as feedback for Dan and Phil
Yeah, I completeyl get what you mean