I think I'm gonna start a lgbt acc and I'll be looking for admins.


I think I'm gonna start a lgbt acc and I'll be looking for admins.

26 8
what does pan mean?
ok this is the acc comment on the collage to join!
pan means that you are attracted to all genders,sometimes unequally
le gayest gurl! meh!!!
what's le username?
Yasss ^-^
I can't waaaaaiiiiit I wonder how meh hater will like it XD 🌚👌
who caresssss I hope they pass out of surprise😃
they can sxck a dîck too
X3 did you get any more admins?
two more I think at least one
kewl, more ppl to attack le bxxch
Yasss all the homophobes are gonna shrivel up and die!!!! Mwhahahahah
😈 my only life goal: watching dem homophobic axxholes shrivel like le raisin