I sit at a table with all of my friends (girls) and we have a boy that sits with us... He asked today "why do I sit at a table of girls?" One of the girls replied "You are our GBF, gay best friend"


I LOVE HISTORY CLASS I sit at a table with all of my friends (girls) and we have a boy that sits with us... He asked today "why do I sit at a table of girls?" One of the girls replied "You are our GBF, gay best friend"

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I am a gay best friend. :3 pretty much all my friends either are nerds like me (the boys, very few) or draw and like MLP (the girls, a lot of themπŸ˜‚)
omg LOLZ
seems like something I would say!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚