Does anyone have any book recommendations?? I have a book report due in two weeks and I'm not allowed to reread a book🙄


Does anyone have any book recommendations?? I have a book report due in two weeks and I'm not allowed to reread a book🙄

19 38
the isle of the lost
Divergent series? There's also a Roman Mythology series called Pegasus. have you read any of Jerry Spinelli's books? Stargirl is my favorite of his.
I've read the divergent series and I had to read star girl for a summer book report. but i haven't read any of the other books you guys have mentioned! thanks for the help, but keep commenting for any other book to read cuz u zip through books!
I belive a good book for you to read (From a fellow speed reader) Is most likely, well theres alot. If you love fantasy, then some good books series are 'Keeper of the lost cities' and the books that are in the series as 'The golden compass', buf another good one that is apperently a bit similar to lord of the rings is 'The naming'. Note that those books in those series ar fairly long, but their still very good! If you like books with animals, then I suggest the series 'Animorphs' 'Spirit Animals' 'Gaurdians of Gahool' and that's pretty much all the series I can think of, but if I think of more I'll surely let you know.
I just finished a book called racing in the rain it is about a dog who is telling a story about his life and family it is very sad but super good
angelfall Susan Ee