There's two Jacksons in my family


There's two Jacksons in my family

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Alex we need to talk please
Promise, you on, I need to tell you something pls
notice me
notice me
notice me
notice me
promise is not here
notice me
notice me
notice me
notice me
shut up Shelby nobody wants to notice u
are you one?
I meant on.
bottom left corner is your Jackson
tell me when she is please I have big news
Jackson is cute. don't ask.
okay Shelby
Cody! don't talk to her!
I'm having a rough day and I don't need you to ruin it!
let me talk to Jackson.
I mean Alex.
Alex ur hurting girls.
you hurt me and you hurt my friend. bye. I gotta go talk to my honeybun.
I feel like killing myself right now
alex never hurt me so shut up
I'm done. I'm leaving for good. bye.
why would Jackson be with you there's two I forgot to put that if you're trying to make him jealous it's working
I'm deleting my account.
well Jackson trusted you he told you how he felt about you
can I talk to Cody? or is he breaking up with me?
no Cody would never brake up with you he loves you to death
left corner Jackson loves you
okay! hahaha! yay!
there not here 😓😔
Jackson wants to kill him self
Cassidy ur not getting my boyfriend.
and tell Jackson he better not or I swear!
both of them do one girl didn't love him and I tried to tell him it was a joke then he started crying and hit the wall
cries there not here I tried to stop them
why do you want to talk to him
talk to who?
I'll get your Jackson
not yours I mean I'll get Cassidy's Jackson
hi my sister pulled me here
okay fine I'll get my brother for you
I do I care about you!!!!!!
raps my arms around you I care about you
I thought I would lose you I don't want to lose you
looks for you
looks more
who is your boyfriend now?
if Cody is then I don't know what to do.
I'm not Cody
oh hey
the sky
cute I mean cool