Wait this is a real thing? I'm sorry...but what? How would this even work? What?

I try my hardest not to offend anyone with stuff like gender because that's a touchy subject...but I mean...


Wait this is a real thing? I'm sorry...but what? How would this even work? What? I try my hardest not to offend anyone with stuff like gender because that's a touchy subject...but I mean...

43 2
this can't be real right? is this real?
someone educate me on this if this is real pls
it's so interesting... idk if it's real
well.... it's seems weird but you can't say tags over the Internet PEOPLE WILL BE OFFENDED
it's funny because i try my hardest not to offend people but really i'm the most offensive person out there and i could offend half of the internet if i shared my opinions
one time I brought my old inhaler to school but I taped a Clorox logo on it and a kid told me off about how Sui cide jokes aren't funny and how "people actually go through depression and anxiety and have suic idal tendencies" and I'm like ??? u do not know me @ all
if someone at my school did what you did i would've high-fived them
I did it with a Sprite bottle too but no one saw it except all the meme- loving kids
it was one of those Sprite Zero things so the bottle and soda was clear
it's like I'm a lesbian but Jøsh dun tho...
which is so me