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Wait this is a real thing? I'm sorry...but what? How would this even work? What?
I try my hardest not to offend anyone with stuff like gender because that's a touchy subject...but I mean...
well.... it's seems weird but you can't say tags over the Internet PEOPLE WILL BE OFFENDED
it's funny because i try my hardest not to offend people but really i'm the most offensive person out there and i could offend half of the internet if i shared my opinions
one time I brought my old inhaler to school but I taped a Clorox logo on it and a kid told me off about how Sui cide jokes aren't funny and how "people actually go through depression and anxiety and have suic idal tendencies" and I'm like ??? u do not know me @ all
if someone at my school did what you did i would've high-fived them
I did it with a Sprite bottle too but no one saw it except all the meme- loving kids
it was one of those Sprite Zero things so the bottle and soda was clear