This is the chatting page for people who wants to chat


This is the chatting page for people who wants to chat

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Hey! I would be glad to follow you IF you follow me back! Sorry but ill chat with you when I get home around 8:40 (in USA time)
Congrats you reached 60 followers (I was your 60th follower)
thank u
I will following u
can you please enter my contest
I will try
and will u please chat with me
what is the contest about
hey I'm backkkkkkkkk!!!!
but I have to go meet people today sorry!!! Some fans πŸ˜‚
jk I have some chores to do sorry and after that I'm broadcasting on xbox bye!
okay bye
can u chat with me later
hey! sorry I was @ bball game
wanna chat?
respond on my page so I can respond back quickly
sorry I'm to busy crying
thx for following me
and why are you crying 😭
your going to make me cry
I'm crying because it's private
wanna chat till morning
why not
i dont know lol
your the best everome says why your bad at posting that's what some people say to me
πŸ‘‹ hi
what's your name
my name is Amanda and I am 13 years old
My name Sophia and I am 14 years old
oh okay
where do u live I live in Kentucky I like the name Sophia
hey will u chat with me all night