hey guys, i’d really appreciate it if you would check out the link in my bio! the petition is against a new movie coming out, its called “Adam” and it’s based off a book by ariel schrag if u wanna read more! *comments*


hey guys, i’d really appreciate it if you would check out the link in my bio! the petition is against a new movie coming out, its called “Adam” and it’s based off a book by ariel schrag if u wanna read more! *comments*

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TRIGGER WARNING FOR R*PE!!! the book is about an 18 year old straight, cis male who pretends to be a trans man to have šéx with a lėśbiān who thinks he’s “FTM.” it’s a disgusting way to portray lėšbiāns, trans guys, and trans people in general. the representation of the LGBTQ+ community is absolutely horrible.
basically, the śėx is no consensual because the lesbian didn’t know he wasn’t trans. also, regardless, a lot of lesbians don’t enjoy that kind of śėx anyway? so it’s misrepresenting an entire community
and this story is being turned into a movie. imagine the kind of press this thing could get if enough people sign the petition! it could ruin the whole movie. so please, spread this around, people need to know about this. i’ll put a pic with all the info that you can share in the remixes :$
:)** wow autocorrect really playing me today
!!!TRIGGER WARNING FOR R*PE!!! don’t read if u don’t like that kinda thing
@post literally me when trying to sing wake up by eden. @caption ill definitely support :)
support the cause of trying to stop the movie from happening
i’ve heard abt this n it makes me sick
This movie sounds fúćkìng disgusting. Why the heck would someone even write something like that???
i signed the petition cuz that’s fûcking disgusting