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We know it’s not her so just stop, nobody believes you
also she’s making really good collages and gaining popularity why would she want to destroy all of that by making this page. it’s just stupid and wrong and nobody supports you so just stop there’s so many people on her side
Literally this is NOT me why would I even do that, I love my followers and my irl friends know that and they also know I would never do anything like this. You need to stop this is ridiculous and NOBODY supports you and let’s just see how many people do (none) just stop already!
ur just jealous of shining-seas!!
you kinda just admitted u weren't marlee btw
your also using words like “she” so your basically admitting your not her, smart move
bc you were saying "she" and stuff
ya @watermelonsugarvol6
i'm not surprised you have 0 followers
Shut up Violet-Sunsets I'm the best collages
Yours are not good
literally all you do is just put pööp as a background and putting words on it with the most boring font
unfollow me now
same unfollow me!
same unfollow me!!
same unfollow both of my pages!
*deep annoyed sigh* 🤦🏼‍♀️
please move to mars.Thankyou.
and if ur that age you would be dead