I kinda like this😊


I kinda like this😊

303 0
so cute!😍😍😍
Yes very nicee
the colours☺️
love the quote
l really like this one!!
what do you mean?
oh nevermind😂
so good with that font work ❤️🌹
but why...
just ignore them- you shouldn't let them get under your skin
thats what they want- don't give them the W
one sec as I type out a paragraph if why you are amazing...
First of all lets start with "nobody like me" Umm I like you a lot and so does all your comments, likers and followers. If they didn't like you then you wouldn't be a well known name across PC. Everyone knows you because you are destined to be a PC legend- I mean just look at your work. You put hours on end and you post 3-4 times a day while most people post like once a day. Your posts are amazing and you can tell how much you care about each one. All your collages are feature worthy and I don't even understand why I have more followers than you because you have tons more talent- talent that I know I will never have and can only dream for... Now you don't get your followers from follow backs because they ate active followers. You average 150+ likes for collages so obviously they aren't just following you for no reason. Everyone can see your talent but you and you need to(not being rude) open your eyes and realize how amazing your collages are and atop putting yourself down because some random human wants to treat you like trash. They have never meet you or even tried to understand how amazing you are. They were too quick to judge and they will be so sorry and moat definitely regret their decision soon. And your collages are not featured because of stickers.. All they collages that have been featured don't have stickers last time I checked. They don't need stickers for people to realize that it deserves more than your usual 150 likes. Also when people say it does look nice they are being nice people because they are complementing you on your talent and skill of collage making. I just hope that one day you realize that you have talent
I am just asking did u copy me
if u did that's totally fine
someone stole this from you...
honeydrop_.,...are you there? I'm worried for you...
You are such an amazing, beautiful, caring, creative, daring, epic, Frighteningly-talented, good, gorgeous, Hot sauce(hot), Intelligent...and so much more. You don't deserve this, You deserve more. You are my best friend on PC, and I know that you are beautiful inside and out. Pls keep doing PC! Every Time I talk or speak to you, I feel happier. Every time I see one of your edits I feel inspired. Please stay
love thisssss!
this is so sweet!💖
Prettyyyy :) :)
how do enter the contest