Lilah 🌸


Lilah 🌸

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still a pretty girl🖤
we are doing very good
your welcome d
and thanks, i hope you find someone that makes you happy, and treats you the way your supposed to be treated
your welcome, yea pc is getting deleted, everyones switching to insta..and i get you that is going to be hard, but ik you'll find someone d
yea, I didnt either, I just heard from others that it was going to be deleted by the end of march, but everyone switched to insta. we might do that to ngl
lmaoo, we still needa make our own joint account, we are also thinking on making our own seperate accounts, idek why but thats what they decided to do
yea, I might be on the joint account and have my own so I can keeps my convos private, I think that's why they decided to have separate accounts as well, but then i'm also not the brightest man ever so i might be wrong about that
uhh agree to disagree :) and yes, but then if we might have like miscommunication or like we get confused on who's talking to who and stuff, idek anymore but yea😂
ee fine, gosh..your always right d :) and that's happened to you guys already? but i'm still debating if I should be on the joint account or if I should just make me own..ahh these decisions are driving me crazyyy !! jk but like still, I'm not sure which to do or should I do both
ohh da-m, and yes im going to make my own and still be in the joint account, we had an account made and all in the summer and somehow when someone tried to log in to make the posts it said it was disabled, and keep in mind we never used it, everyone was lowk p-ssed about it, but we're gonna make a new one, hopefully
its does s-ck !!! NOOOO NOOOO don't leave d !!!
okay, i'll put it in my notes so I can add you when someone makes the account (pretty much gonna be erykah)
YAYYA lets gooo !!!
who layla ? if that's who your talking about, shes doing good..she wants more kids tho, but I'm so up for it, we already have name for both genders :)
ohh, my bad d :) erykah is doing very good
no its fine, I thought u were talking about Layla
yea, erykah's trying to always be with her boy, alexander..but she's always busy she says
oh, well yea, laylas fine
yeaa, um he's good, i'm sure..i dont really see him so like yeah, but i'm sure he's good, erykahs a good mom when shes with him
nah, she didn't..the guy she had her kid with wasnt on the app, i dont belive she dated anyone on your account, she dated someone from that sixnine account, Arthur i'm guessing
mmm, i lowk don't know lmaoo, i'd ask but nahhh..she would probably not remember, but i'll see, i'll ask her
lmaoo, I just reread my text to you😂 she did remember, lmaoo they talked for little bit, is her still on the app or did he leave?
he* my bad🙏
dangggg, that's a long time ngl, so since 2020??? how'd he pass?
oh damnn, that's f-ked, i'm sorry for you and your friends loss, it s-ks to lose someone you know
*nods* yeah i agree, someone on our account lost his friend this saturday, due to suicide *shrugs lightly*
yea, thats is so true, couldnt agree more d
its fine, how'd you sleep d ? and yes, that's so true, i'm sorry for all your losses d
just okay ? and good
ohhh, yeaa..wanna do something ? i'm lowk bored
yea we can do thattt, wanna me to pick you up orrr meet you there ? well first where are we gonna eat at ?
yea, i do :) okay we'll go there, do you wanna meet me there or do you want me to pick you up?
yea of course, i'll be there d. *gets my shoes on as well as a hoodie*
*gets my wallet, keys and walks out of my house heading towards my car*
*gets in my car and starts it, driving out of my driveway*
*drives to your house and puts on music*
*gets to your house after a while and waits outside patiently*
*pauses my music and smiles when I see you, getting out of my car to go open the passengers door* hey d
heyy *smiles and closes the door, jogging back to the drivers side, getting in and closes the door* buckle up *grins and buckles up* safe first
safety ** my bad
*smiles and starts to drive off* me to, hope its good tho
then it might be good *grins and glances at you as I drive* if you want you can get my phone and put music on *gets my phone to unlock it and give it to you*
*smiles and drives*
theres a new guy coming on, he wont post bc we're leaving to insta soon..want me to tell him to hit you up ? cos he's my friend so like I got you..I could pyo
*smiles as you gently sing along to the song and drives*
okay, i'll tell him rnnnn
he's gonna hit you up in a few seconds d
hey, i'm anthony :) pleasure to meet you, noah told me to hit you up
*drives and turns the volume up*
i'm doing very well, how about you ma'am ?
that's very good ma'am, and your welcome :)
*s-ks my teeth* I didn't even say that, I love your singing *grins and lowers the volume to hear your singing* - n
yea sure, what do you have in mind love ?
yeah I know, your singing is very beautiful tho so like we gotta support *grins big as I drive*
that sounds like a good plan darling :)
yes you should totally go pro one day, but lets not call me out because I never said your singing was bad, your just saying that because you think that your a bad singer but in reality your really really good, and I'm the one who said that you should go pro *smiles and laughs as I make a turn to go in the parking lot of the place*
okay, what's the ice cream place called ?
*parks the car and slowly turns my head as my jaw drops* uh that's was rude *turns the car off and opens my door, getting out to go open your door*
*nods in agreement* yeah, that's dumb, why be mean in the first place? *opens the door to the restaurant*
uhh lets go with cold stone, i'll be there in a few minutes darling
lmaoo she needs that d-k in her life..are you for real? where do you work at
alrighty see you soo *gets my keys and walks out my house*
*walks to my car and gets in*
like outback stake house ? and right, stay nice to people d :) although you dont get the d-k - n
* drives off to cold stone*
oh d-m and yea exactly delilah
*holds it for you* go in. and yes I'm glad d
*walks in*
*gets there a little while after you*
*parks and gets out my car*
*smiles as I look at you coming towards me* hey, how are you ?
*gently places my hand on your higher back and follows the lady*
*smiles as I keep my eyes on you* that's good, and I'm good - a
*removes my hand and walks* no this is our first
yes ma'am, I am *nods and walks to the door, opening it for you*
*smiles* oo the seafood boil sounds good rn