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I think all lives matter as in no matter what everyone should be treated fairly an equally no matter what but sadly it's quite a hard standard to meet at all times despite how hard you might try due to society's and your own imperfections
hahaha the tea lizard
Is tea lizard good or bad? haha😅
I'm mean that time when someone called Kermit drinking tea a tea lizard
a tea lizard😂nice👌🏻
and then he
but anyways, the problem with All Lives Matter is that it attempts to generalize the problems that people are presented with, rather than taking into account that specific groups will have privilege that most minorities simply do not possess in our current society
for example, it directly conflicts with the stance that white privilege exists ((which it does)) and tries to degrade the struggles and hardships that black people will face
BLM is comparable to a fire
if a house catches on fire
the firemen aren't going to pour water on all the houses
they'll work to fix the situation with the burning houses, which is most important at that time
and no one shouts "Well all houses matter???" because not ALL houses needed water
it's the same idea, but on a much larger, and much more impactful, scale
I understand what you mean but one thing i cannot stand is when people of other races who "do not need water" claim they do if you know what i mean? Or if they dont get their way they claim that racism was involved when it wasnt at all they just want to find a way to get what they want, you know? ((i am of course not saying that racism is never involved because sadly it sometimes is))
((also thats a very good metaphor👌🏻Very true and also creative))