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when it comes to cups don't mess with me
I know I heard congrats and its a boy *smiles*
it would be awesome to have a baby
*laughs* I swear I feel like she know my thoughts
I won't I swear 🙂
I know *laughs*
but seriously it's she can read my mind and knows what I'll do next now that is true love
just bout our love *smiles*
no it never is *smiles* and talking hitter and Cupid
*laughs* yea and she to me for advice - Johnny
hey guys *hold stomach* - Maya
*laughs* the baby is going to be weird watch
hey aves hey babe * kisses back* - m
yea you have to name my nephew *laughs*
I was think *smiles* Josh - M
*tears up* after my little brother that died thanks Maya
no problem Johnny *smiles* - M
yea that was my little brothers name *smiles*
I wanted to make him happy
it's ok I'm just happy I'll have another josh - J
I know I just felt bad about it - m