Went to a vendor market today and absolutely lost it when I saw these precious things


Went to a vendor market today and absolutely lost it when I saw these precious things

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ooh, these are super cool!! yo you could make one shelly, that’d be so cool- :00
re//: I’ve read it now, and that adds so much detail to what you’ve already told me!! does Rou have feelings for Blaue, or is he just doing it because he feels as if it’s his job.?
Hi I’m alive
How have you been?
re//: ahh, ok. oh, and another question, why is Rea and Rei’s reaction to Rou and Blaue’s relationship so different.? like why is Rei so supportive while Rea wants to kïll him?
re//: ah, oki, that makes sense :00
re//: tbh that’s probably it, I’m lazy and just don’t feel like posting :’)