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bro that’s like my favorite song right there 😤💕
lol same thou
I love kPop😱💗
but I love kPop. do you?
I deleted it because someone else wrote it and they were mean
do u like bob Ross tho
sorry was INSANELY busy! studying? wish has school already started for u?!? o.O
yeah, I love waltzes!!! I’m a huge fan of Chopin!!! I get the whole acting thing, my parents would definitely NOT be happy if I chose acting as a major in college. It just doesn’t make a whole lot of money and in our world today, money is something you need. I mean if you’re fine with the possibly low salary, then go for it. I’m not going to be the person who says “do whatever makes you happy”, because that’s not how life works. I’m a brutally honest person. Acting isn’t exactly the job where you work your way up and earn a good amount, acting is the job where you have to constantly watch your back and take any discounts you can get. it’s not the most stable job.
Maybe if it’s a thing you do in high school to put on your college applications, if you have time, then go for it!!! (or middle school too) it’s good that you know what your passionate about tho!!!
thanks!, this is awesome💗💖💝💞🤪💓
yeah, I feel you, I’ve been dancing since I was three (ballet) and it’s one of the things I love doing, I’ve pushed aside most of my life for dance. It’s sad to know that one day I’ll have to let it go. I know that I want to go into science because I’ve been putting a lot of thought into what my career should be. I’ve always dreamed of making ballet my job, but that’s just not gonna happen. So, I’m just going to focus on what’s important, or at least try to... you know, life sucks, but it’s your choice wether or not you’re going to push through it.
lol thanks, before I thought of science, I was looking into a whole bunch of other things, and they’re just not right. You should look into some other jobs to see which ones make you happiest, or which ones you’d be happy doing. The one thing I’ve always had as my rule when thinking about jobs is that: You have to be happy to go to work, or else your life will be miserable. If you really want to do it, or try, (you clearly do lol) make it your minor in college. Do it on the side, but remember that it costs time, which is something no one has a lot of to spend.