HP RP with PotterNerd22😘


HP RP with PotterNerd22😘

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Hermione: *gets onto Hogwarts express in awe* *walking to the back gazing around* *opens random compartment and stares* you're... you're HARRY POTTER!
Harry: Y-yeah. Who are you? *sits down in compartment*
Ron: *walks into compartment* Are there any seats here?
*sits down next to you quickly* *sticks out hand* Hermione Granger. and... and... *breathing heavily* I already know who you are! so, what's your favorite subject? are you exited to go to Hogwarts? know anyone here yet?
Hermione: *grumpily* *points to booth across her* over THERE.
Ron: *sits down* Harry: Um, I don't know my favorite subject. . . yet. But I am very excited! My family well aunt and uncle and cousin aren't. . . very kind. And I guess I know you. . . and what is your name? Ron: Ron.
Hermione: I'm so sorry, they should treat you better! especially since you're THE Harry Potter!! *cooling off her excitement* *glares at ron* he's mine
Hermione: well? have you really got it?
Ron: Yeah, have you got the scar? Harry: Uh, yeah. *pulls back hair embarrassed and shows scar* Here it is.
*glares at ron* like I said. he's mine. *looks at the scar* that's extraordinary, Harry! just... unbelievable!
Harry: Thank you. *blushes modestly* Ron: *gapes* Whoa!
Hermione: *laughs* Harry, no need to blush. we're all friends he-- *looks at Ron and back to Harry* the two of us are friends here.
Ron: *glares at Hermione and mutters under breath* She's so mean! Harry: *laughs but then tries to hide it as Ron glares at him too*
Hermione: *glares at ron* fine, fine. tell me some things about you-- *looks out the window and begins to squeal*
Ron: What is it? *presses face against window* Harry: *tries to look behind Ron* What is it? Are we here?
Hermione: *squealing in pure delight* Its even more beautiful than I imagined!!! *pointing outside* hogwarts!!!
*trying to contain her excitement but isn't doing it too well*
Harry: *finally moves past Ron and stares gaping at Hogwarts* Whoaaaaa. Ron: *pushes past Harry* It's so huge!
Harry: *in awe because growing up with the Dursleys he's never seen anything so big*
Hermione: *squealing and stuffing chocolate frogs in her mouth to keep from screaming*
Ron: *looks back at Hermione oddly* Hey! Those were mine! Harry got them for me! Harry: *still staring* Whooooooaaaaaa.
Hermione: *glaring at Ron* well I thought the last time you were giving me odd looks it was because you wanted to be friends! and you know what friends do? share. can you say that, ron? sh- air.
Ron: *laughs a little at Hermione's awesome comeback* We-ellll, I guess. But can I have one? You're hogging them all. Harry: *finally looks away*
Hermione: sorry. *hands Ron his chocolate frogs* I can't believe we're really at THE Hogwarts...
Harry: *breathless* I know. Ron: Thanks!
*hogwarts express stops* *stops herself from falling over from pure delight*
*takes your hands and steps off the train in awe*
Hagrid: first years, over here! all yeh first years, over here!
Harry: *barely contains excitement* So excited!
Ron: What do you think we'll do first?
Hermione: *nodding and squealing* *goes to Hagrid* hello, aren't you Hagrid?
Hermione: the sorting ceremony of course! to determine our houses... I'm not quite sure how it works though
(Who should be Hagrid?)
Hagrid: *waves you over* yeh, I'm Hagrid. who may you be?
(I'm doing Hagrid.)
Hermione: I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger.
Hagrid: *pats harry on the back* Harry! how you be doing? *looks at ron* and who might you be?
Ron: I'm Ron:
Hagrid: nice to meet yeh, Ron.
Ron: *politely but still staring at Hargrid's enormous figure* Nice to meet you too! Harry: Nice to meet you, Hagrid! Are you a professor here?
Hagrid: *staring at Harry* what kind of brain wash has gotten into yeh? I showed you around diagon ally, gave Dudley theh pig tail...
Hermione: do you two know each other?
Harry: Well I knew you worked here, but I didn't know whether you were a professor or not! *to Hermione* Yeah!
Hagrid: *sadly* nah... I've always wanted to be a professor, but I don't think it's happening... all yeh fist years, get in the boat!!! *brightening up and gets in the boat*
Hermione: *follows Hagrid into the boat and sits by Harry*
Harry: Aww, sorry Hahrid. *gets in boat* Ron: *gets in boat also*
Hagrid: it's ok... thanks anyway, Harry...
Hermione: aren't you two so exited!!!! *shakes Harry and ron*
Ron: *whispers to Harry* Someone's a bit to excited. Harry: *giggles than looks at Hermione* Yeah, in really excited too!!!!!
Hermione: *squealing and shaking Ron and Harry*
Hermione: *hugging Harry tightly* I'M GOING TO HOGWARTS!!! WITH HARRY POTTER!!!!
Hagrid: *elbows Hermione* and yeh with Hagrid.
Ron: *rolls eyes but then looks at Hogwarts and says excitedly* We're! So! Close!!!!! Harry: *under breath* Look who's talking. *laughs*
Hermione: well you can't blame me. you're not famous, are you, Ron?
Ron: *grudgingly* Well, I gu-ess. *crosses arms and says under breath* Harrumph! Harry: I'm not that famous. I mean, I only have a little scar. I don't get these people here!
Hermione: *pushes Ron slightly* sorry, but I jest met you... I can't call you my BEST friend yet. *looks at Harry and giggles* you do know WHY you're famous for the scar, right?
Harry: Yeah. Hagrid told me, and I read something in a book.... It is kind of interesting, *more modestly* but I was just a baby. I bet every wizard can do it!
Hermione: no, Harry. you're the only one who's ever survived... *under breath* you know who... or the killing curse.
Harry: Really, but, but why me? Ron: Oh look! We're here! We're here, we're here, we're here, we're HERE! *coughs to hide excitement* Oh, um, we're here.... Harry: *giggles*
Hermione: *turns to Ron and hugs him tightly and then Harry and then realizes* ew. why am I hugging boys? *shakes head and squeals*
Hagrid: *chuckles* I take it yeh exited...
Harry: Yes! I'm so glad we're here! I haven't heard much about it, but I know that it's away from the Dursleys *he shares a look with Hagrid* Ron: And my brothers and parents have told me loads about this place! It sounds really cool! Bu some of what Fred and George said..... Never mind. Come on, let's go!
Hermione: why not? the way we're starting off it looks like we're going to get along pretty well. *pulls you both into a hug* *starts squealing uncontrollably* *gets out of the boat pulling you both up to Hogwarts*
Hagrid: all yeh first years, follow me.
Harry: *follows Hagrid and looks up at giant doors* Whoaaaa. Ron: *breathless* I know.
Hermione: *squealing uncontrollably*
Hagrid: *shushes Hermione*
Hagrid: *opens to doors and leads everyone into the great hall*
Ron: *giggles at Hermione's excitement* Harry: Can't wait!
Hermione: *trying to contain her excitement but not doing very well*
Ron: *whispers impatiently to Harry* Its taking so long to get all the kids off the boat. Harry: Hermione, you think something's wrong? *looks at lake and sees Hagrid pulling kid out of lake*
Hermione: *turns slowly to the lake and shakes head* my goodness. kids these days...
Hagrid: *pulling kid of lake* don't yeh fall in again, ok...
Hagrid: *brings the rest of the kids up* yeh ready to discover your houses?
Ron: You're a kid too..... Harry: *fidgeting from excitement* Can't! Wait!
Hermione: I know, but I'm smart. and I don't do that stuff.
Dumbledore: Silence. First years, over here. the sorting ceremony will now begin.
Hermione: *clinging to Harry and squealing and stomping*
Harry: Shhhhhhhh.
Hermione: *giggles* *joins the crowd waiting for the ceremony*
Dumbledore: *calling random names*
Dumbledore: *calling* Harry Potter! *everyone goes silent*
Ron: *follows Hermione* Look, the Sorting Hat! Harry: *looks at Ron questioningly* I wish I knew more about this place!
Hermione: *whispers* Harry! *nudges you*
Dumbledore: Harry Potter?
Harry: *walks up to hat* *puts it on*
Sorting Hat: Not Slytherin, eh? well I may have, but... *thinking* Gryffindor!
Ron: *cheering* Harry: *smiles proudly and walks to table sitting next to Percy* (can I be Percy?)
Dumbledore: *calling random names*
Dumbledore: Ronald Weasley!
Ron: *walks up and puts on hat* *bites nails*
Sorting Hat: *thinking* Gryffindor!!!
Hermione: *cheering*
Percy: *cheers* Woo-hoo! Harry: Nice job Ron! *whistles*
(Have to go eat dinner, sorry, I'll be back in about 30 minutes)
(ok. also do you want to be Draco? or do you want me to be Draco)
Dumbledore: *calling random names*
Ron: Where do you think Hermione will go? Harry: I don't know. Oh look! She's going up now! Go Hermione!
Dumbledore: Hermione Granger!
Hermione: *walks up and puts on the hat nervously*
Sorting Hat: *gives it thought* Gryffindor!
Harry: WOO-HOO! Ron: Atta girl Hermione! *whistles*
Hermione: *smiling proudly* *runs to Harry and ron* I was afraid after making two new friends I'd have to start over again...
Dumbledore: *calling random names*
Dumbledore: Draco Malfoy!
Ron: *stomach rumbles* I'm so hungry! Percy: Shhhh. Ron: *whispers* That's my brother Percy. He's really bossy and a goody two shoes. Harry: Oh, in sure he's not that bad. Percy: Shhhh. Oh hello, Harry, is it? Nice to meet you. *sticks out hand pompously and Harry shakes it* *to Hermione* And you are?
Hermione: *shakes Percy's hand* Hermione Granger. nice to meet you. *watches in awe as food appears on the table* I'm incredibly hungry, let's eat!
Fred: oh no little lady, not yet. *sticks out hand and hermione shakes it* Fred Weasley! George: *sticks out hand after Fred* Fred Weasley! or... am I George? *they laugh*
Hermione: *to ron* and these are your brothers?
Ron: Sadly. *laughs* *starts shoving food in his mouth rather impolitely because he's starving* Harry: *shoves food in mouth also* Mmmm! So good!
Hermione: do you two HAVE to eat like pigs? *starts cutting food up*
Ron: Well, we're guys! Harry: *mutters* Sorry. *louder* but this is the best meal of my life! The Dursleys mostly gave me cheese and crackers or bread and cold veggie soup. *shudders* The food here is amazing!
Hermione: cheese and crackers? what kind of a meal is that? it sounds like they didn't care for you at all! *looks at ron* yes, I KNOW you're guys. but that doesn't mean you have to eat like that. *shutters*
Ron: *glares and starts obnoxiously chewing with his mouth open to annoy Hermione* Harry: They don't. *grabs another helping of potatoes*
Hermione: *glares at Ron furiously* manners, Ron! you're being disrespectful to everyone!
Hermione: thank you, HARRY.
Ron: Fine! Harry: *laughs at Ron* *finishes meal and starts talking to Fred and George while waiting for dessert*
Fred: so, Harry, I see you've met our brother. George: I hope he isn't causing you too much trouble... *they laugh*
Harry: He's not.... Mostly. *smiles*
Ron: *finishes eating*
*the twins look disappointed*
Ron: *mock anger* I'm trying my best! Blame Fred and George for teaching me the way to use a fork and knife the opposite way when I was seven! Harry: You guys really did that? *laughs at the thought*
Hermione: thank you Ron, for improving on your manners. though if we're going to be friends, you'll need some more work.
Hermione: extra work.
Fred: we're not that bad of brothers, come on.
Hermione: *glaring at Ron* come on, Harry.
Neville: *knocks over pot of gravy* Oh no. Hello, um, I'm Neville Longbottom. *to Ron* Who are you? Ron: Ron, Ron Weasley.
Hermione: I wouldn't recommend him.
Harry: Hi, Neville I'm-- Neville: You're Harry Potter! Nice to meet you. Sorry for the mess, my Granny says I have to left feet, and I guess, hands. *laughs a little*
Neville: *to Hermione* Hello, who are you?
Ron: *glares at Hermione*
Hermione: *staring at them* that's great...
Hermione: *glares at Ron*
Dumbledore: alright everyone. first years follow your head of house to your house dorms. I will see you all tomorrow.
Harry: Oh look! *food disappears* Ron: Cool! Neville: Whoa, Hogwarts is awesome!
Percy: First years! This way! Follow me! Ouch, ow, excuse me! Fred, stop it! *leads them to dormitory*
Hermione: *amazed* come on, Harry. Neville, feel free to tag along. *grabs your hands and glares at Ron and she takes you to the crowd heading to Gryffindor tower*
Neville: *follows the crowd* Ron: *follows Harry and Hermione a little left out*
Hermione: I can't believe we're actually sleeping at THE hogwarts!!!! *squeal*
Hermione: so, you're Neville, right?
Harry: *giggles a little at Hermione's excitement but then starts fidgeting and doing a weird little dance because so excited*
Hermione: *looking at Harry* are you ok? *drops your hand and takes Ron's instead* never mind, I take it back, you're not the weird one.
Percy: Here we are. You see, it works like this--we have passwords and we tell it to the Fat Lady and she lets us enter. Here is the password for now: "Pig snout". Don't tell the password to anyone from another house, or any outsiders, you hear. Now come on in, watch you step. Neville: *trips*
Hermione: be careful! *helps Neville up* pig snout. ok. remember that, I won't be here to help you every time.
Harry: *enters in awe* Whoa!
Hermione: *looking around and squealing* this is amazing! truly amazing! *sits on couch* these are so comfortable!
Percy: This is our common room. *gestures to common room* Up there is where the first year boys sleep and over there is where the first year girls sleep.
Percy: Now get to bed, you have your first day of school tomorrow, so you need your sleep.
Hermione: *squealing hard*
Fred: how are we supposed to sleep with mrs. squealing nonstop?
Ron: *laughs at the twins' joke* *whispers to Harry* I'm not sure I'm going to be able to sleep! This place is stunning! I may hide it, but I think I'm more excited than Hermione! Harry: *laughs* Goodnight Hermione! *walks upstairs with Neville and Ron*
Hermione: goodnight, Harry, Ron, Neville. *heads to girls dorms*
Harry: *wakes up at five* *yawns* *looks over at sleeping friends and gets up to shower*
Hermione: *walks to the common to the common room stretching* *yawning and looking for Harry and Ron*
Ron: *walks downstairs* Harry's hogging the shower. What do you have first?
Harry: *gets out and grabs books* *yawns and walks downstairs*
Hermione: *laughs* first after breakfast I've got potions, with professor... snape, I believe.
Ron: I have Potions then Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, then after lunch I have Defense Against Dark Arts with Professor Quirrell, then A History of Magic with Professor Binns. Harry: I have Potions, then Transfiguration, then after lunch, Herbology, then Defense Against Dark Arts.
Hermione: after potions, I have Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, then there's lunch, and after that, Defense Against The Dark Arts with Professor Quierell, then Herbology.
Hermione: *claps a few times* and then we have our first flying lesson tomorrow!!
Ron: I already know how to fly! Pretty much all of. . . *looks at Harry who doesn't know how to fly and then at Hermione* Sorry. Harry: It's fine. *stomach rumbles loudly* Sorry. Um, should we go downstairs for breakfast? I'm starved.
Hermione: definitely... I'm so hungry...
*grabs potions books and starts heading to the great hall*
Ron: *grabs bag and walks to the corridor* Harry: *follows Ron* *yawns again* *sees another moving portrait* Whoa! Ron: Hey um guys, do any of you know where the Great Hall is? *shrugs sheepishly* Harry: *shrugs* No clue.
Hermione: *shaking head* follow me... we've been here almost 24 hours, you should know your way around by now.
Ron: Well, well, well, *can't think of a comeback* hmph!
Hermione: *laughs* *heads to the great hall*
Ron: *enters hall* *sniffs the air* Mmm. Smells so good! Harry: *walks to table and grabs fork and knife* Ron: *puts bacon on plate and digs in*
*sit down by Ron* *puts pancakes on her plate and looks at Ron in disgust then to Harry* thank you Harry for showing us an example of how to eat... *looks at Ron in disgust again*
*starts to eat*
Harry: You're welcome. *with eggs in mouth so barely distinguishable* Ron: *laughs*
Hermione: *slowly turns to Harry in disgust* and there I thought you may have good manners... *finishes up breakfast*
Hermione: come on, you two... we don't want to be late... *squeal* for our first lesson at Hogwarts!
Harry: *grabs bag and stands up* Hey, uh, Hermione. . . where's our next class? Ron: Yeah. I have no clue.
Hermione: *frowns* you really don't know yet! *mutters* follow me... potions is in the dungeon.
Ron: *shudders at the thought of a dungeon* Harry: We didn't even go to Potions yet! How do you know where potions is?
Hermione: because I, unlike you, study. hmph. *stomps off to towards potions*
Ron: What's gotten into her? Harry: . . . Dunno. Maybe nervous for her first day. *follows Hermione*
Hermione: *stomping towards the dungeon*
Harry: *follows silently* *to Ron* You sure we're going the right way? This place is creepy. Ron: Well it is a Potions classroom. And my brothers have told me about Snape. He seems very. . . Mean.
Hermione: *stops and waits for the two of you before going in the dungeon* Why do you two look so nervous?
Ron: This place is . . . . Creepy. Harry: *walks in dungeon* *scared* Snape: *begins taking roll with icy cold voice* Hermione Granger. *sneers at her*
Hermione: *walks into dungeons* *nods politely at Snape* here... *scowls when he turns away*
Snape: Harry Potter. Ah, our new celebrity. *sneers* Harry: Here.
Snape: Ronald Weasley. Ron: Here.
Hermione: *turns to harry* well looks like this one isn't gonna be very nice, is he?
Hermione: be careful... pay attention. from the looks of it he doesn't like you very much... and I'm sure he can easily give you a hard time...
Harry: Nope. Snape: Potter! Hush, some of us are actually here to learn, not just listen to your foolish rambling with your neighbors. *glares at Hermione then back at Harry then at Ron and then back at Harry* Now, Harry, let's see if you really opened your books all summer, what is a bezoar?
Harry: uhhhhh. . . .
Hermione: *raises hand frantically*
Harry: uhhhhh . . . *looks at Hermione* Snape: Well!
Hermione: *waving hand in the air frantically*
Harry: Um, a--
Hermione: *about to jump out of her seat has hand moving so frantically*
Hermione: *mouthing* call on me
Snape: No need to cheat. *glares at Hermione and Harry*
Snape: *explains what a bezoar is* Now turn to page 30 and follow the directions.
Hermione: *scowls at Snape and continues to pump hand in the air*
Snape: *to Hermione* Sit. Down. Now!
Hermione: *quietly but loud enough to be heard* me me me me me me me
Snape: Granger! What. Is. It? *glares menacingly*
Hermione: *talking quickly* A bezoar is a stone taken from a goat's belly, and it will save you from most potions.
Hermione: *smiles proudly*
Snape: *coldly* Yes. Now start your potion.
Harry: Jeez.
Hermione: *nods quickly and turns to Harry* you better start studying your potions hard, Harry.
Harry: Yeah, he seems. . . tough. Ron: Tough?! He really seems to hate you! *starts adding nettles to potion*
Hermione: *mixing potion violently* You're famous, Harry. they're gonna love you... or hate you.
Hermione: you've got to be more careful from now on
(this is me, just from another acc)
Harry: *opens mouth to say something but get cut off by a loud explosion as Neville's potion explodes* Neville: Oh nooooo. *boils appear on skin* Snape: Longbottom! *turns to Ron* You, Weasley, go take him up to the hospital wing! *turns to Harry* I suppose you thought not telling him how to do it properly, you'd look better! One point from Gryffindor!
Hermione: *shaking head* Neville! *looks at Snape in angry awe* Harry did NOTHING!
Snape: Exactly. He should've told Neville not to put the nettles in while the cauldron was on the fire. Harry was next to him, and he should've helped. Class dismissed. *glares at Harry and Hermione as they exit*
Hermione: *gaping at Snape* how could he'v known! *exits dungeon in fury*
Harry: Okay, next is Transfiguration. Ron: *looks at Hermione sheepishly* so. . . Where's that?
Hermione: pay ATTENTION, Ron! *sighs* follow me...
*snaps* and be aware of your surroundings this time
Ron: *follows Hermione* *to Harry* Jeez! What's got her so angry? Harry: *shrugs*
Hermione: *enters Transfiguration classroom and sits down* alright, Ron, you got the way all mapped out in your head now?
Ron: I think. . . McGonagall: Welcome. *turns desk into pig* Harry: Whoa!
Harry and Ron: *sits down*
Hermione: *smiles* extraordinary
McGonagall: But you won't be doing this for a long time. *points to Harry* You, pass out these matches. Now, *turns to class* you will try to turn this into a needle. Ron: *raises wand*
(what's the spell again? I'm trying to remember it)
Hermione: *raises wand slowly*
Harry: *raises wand and tries to mimic McGonagall's sweeping movement but fails and nothing happens*
Ron: *raises wand*
Hermione: *thinks about what McGonagall did and tries to copy it* *it successfully turns to a needle* *smiles proudly*
Ron: *glares at Hermione's success* McGonagall: Good job Hermione! Ron: *match explodes*
Hermione: *laughs at Ron*
Hermione: *looks at Harry* have you tried yet?
Harry: yeah, but. . . nothing's happening. Watch. *raises wand and waves it* *mutters spell* *match wiggles but nothing else happens*. See.
McGonagall: Nice job Hermione.
Hermione: *nods at McGonagall* *looks to Harry and shrugs* i guess I'm just the genius of the group. *smiles proudly*
McGonagall: Class dismissed. Ron: Finally! Lunch!!!!! Harry: *smirks at Ron's excitement* Ron: What? I'm hungry!
Hermione: *laughs at Ron* I'm pretty hungry myself as well.
Ron: Now, follow me! I remember where the Great Hall is!!!!
Harry: *laughs and follows him*
Hermione: *raises an eyebrow* oh really?
Ron: Yup! This way! *turns left and appears at the Great Hall* See?
Hermione: *shakes head* good job, Ron... *sits down*
Ron: *grins proudly and grabs ham and cheese sandwich* Mmm! Harry: *grabs mashed potatoes*
Hermione: *grabs sandwich and starts to eat*
Harry: Mmm!
Harry: So. . . About Snape. . .
(who's Draco?)
Hermione: what do you two have again next? I have Defense Against The Dark Arts.
Hermione: what about him?
Ron: Defense Against Dark Arts. Harry: Herbology. And Snape. . . He's . . . Interesting. He really seems to hate me! What do you have?
Hermione: well you're Harry Potter, right? from what I'm seeing, they're either going to love you or hate you... *shrugs* and I have Defense Against The Dark Arts.
Ron: Cool! Harry: *finishes up* So. . . Where's Herbology? That's outside, right?
(nvm what?)
Hermione: *nods* alright, Ron, let's get going.
Ron: *follows Hermione* Harry: *walks outside* Hey Neville! Do you have Herbology? Neville: Yeah! Do you? Harry: Yeah!
(who's Sprout and Quirrel?)
(ummmmmmm do you care or no?)
(don't really care)
(kk, and also brb)
(gtg I'm gonna meet my new baby cousin!!!! πŸ‘ΆπŸŽ‰)