Ian is so cute U G H


Ian is so cute U G H

41 1
I'm sorry if it sucks
Can I hug you?! Please please?!
omg please?!
Awww dang it -still wants to hug-
Oh yeah and I was wondering if you would like to do an art trade?
oh wow that's a lot. ok lemme get the picture
Okie dokie can you give me a pic please? And you take all the time you need I don't wanna rush you.
This looks amazing!
you are talented fren I can't do the draw thing at all (is it okay if I call you a fren?)
anytime fren you are vv nice
re//; Tysm!!! And I wish you luck when you do, I'm sure your mum will be supportive :>
ahhhhh it looks great, thank you. my part should be up tomorrow. ^^