Since I have nothing but self-deprecating stuff ready (and I don’t want to post that... yet) here’s a meme dûmp. I don’t want to flood my account with memes so you can find them in the remixes. (Beware some memes I have are also self-deprecating😅). I love


Since I have nothing but self-deprecating stuff ready (and I don’t want to post that... yet) here’s a meme dûmp. I don’t want to flood my account with memes so you can find them in the remixes. (Beware some memes I have are also self-deprecating😅). I love

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[caption continued]: I love you guys♥️so much♥️
I’m glad I’m not the only one and tbh, I think I open up and rant a little too much..
idk, it hasn’t been confirmed yet
re:// I really wish I could stop procrastinating but it’s hard to break bad habits. XD
No problem!