Collage by ariannaisawkward


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YES YES YESSSS😂 that's been my profile pic for well over a year😂 funny story, that's how my past two accounts got deleted😂
Ikr😂 also people have told me it has put them in "the hospital for an anxiety attack" and then told me that they and her sister had cancer and that her sister died cause of me... some people make up crazy stories.
oh great, I type something and can't comment it CAUSE OF PIC COLLAGE'S STUPID LIMITED SPEECH
it didn't even have any swears in it wth
yeah they really do, like I can't even say spøøky. I'm surprised too, oh my😂
yeah that's why I did it, Tøp are lifeee😂
yeah exactly, same with Petè wèntz and some others, speech is a right they shouldn't limit it that much://
YEAH I SHOULD JUST REPORT IT TO THE GOVERNMENT OR SOMETHING THAT THEY TOOK MY RIGHTS AWAY, well I think the headquarters is in California or something. Maybe, I don't know. The government probably won't do anything thoughhh. Curse the government. meanies, I'm surprised that isn't blocked either.
well, seeing that I'm on the complete opposite coast of California that march would probably take a month for me😂 Probably kick me out right when I get there too.
I'll just go complain on snapchat since they always answer
I guess so, I just hope they don't block me or close down my accout
yeah true, I wouldn't swear at them though, I don't swear much😂 Maybe they'll delete me cause of my profile picture again, haha
yeah, they need to educate themselves on YouTube and some other things, like fandoms and such.
YESSSS that would be so perfect😂 like certain classes could be certain fandoms and such, I want this to happen.
that would be amazing, everyone could share so many tips and make friends, and everyone would be able to meet. Why can't that be life?😂
yeah, everyone would probably get along better too. Only if.
yeah true true, maybe like you are only allowed to talk to those in your fandoms😂 but then there might be the same problem and stuff. That would be complicated