Can I have an opinion on my account? ☺️ Thanks if you do ❤️


Can I have an opinion on my account? ☺️ Thanks if you do ❤️

499 9
I have a opinion , so does 116k of your followers.Theese people chose to follow you Astrid & your just amazing and get tons of sweet messages everyday, you don't need a opinion because your flawless.😚🍥🐰
the absolute best account on PC, you're creative, kind, amazing, fantabulous, and one of the nicest people ever!😄💞🙌🏻
........ You're kinda... hmm..... FLAWLESS😌 you're so inspirational and kind💗🌙
You want an opinion? You are sweet, kind, inspirational, and so many people love everything you do (including me!). Your collages and posts are A M A Z I N G and you are one of my all time favourite pic collagers. Thank you for being you and stay A W E S O M E! 💜👍😘 xx
It's not my opinion, it's a fact: Astrid you are one of the most talented, and sweet people ever. I come on your account every day to see your collages because you, unlike some others, pour MEANING into your collages and I always walk away feeling refreshed and inspired. You just keep being you, that's all I will ever ask of you😌🍃have a beautiful day you beautiful girl💓With Love, -LovetheJ-
ok, here's my opinion on your acc💞🌻... you are simply... I just don't have the words to describe how you inspire me and lots of other people everyday. also, lots of words have already been used...💐 and it's really hard to condense in just a little comment all the beautifulness that you are. but I will try. sincerely, I think your biggest qualities are your kindness and your "being an ordinary girl", like me and many other girls, but a girl that can also be different and that can inspire other girls to do as good. I think being INSPIRING, making people want to do or to be something beautiful everyday, is one of the biggest goal a person can accomplish in life, and that's why I try being an inspiring person with the people next to me, my friends, my family. It's a beautiful thing...💞 keep going, Astrid!🍂🔮🌿
10/10 you're amazing
you are like amazing. you don't even understand how much you mean to me. you probably read the same thing over and over, but girl you do so much. I believe in your lifetime you'll save at least one person. you've probably saved hundreds. you're collages are the you handle situations quite well I do believe. you're queen of ideas. your account is obviously 10/10 I remember when I won one of your contests when I was first starting out on here and freaked out. now it's still a pleasure to be a good friend of yours. you helped me when I was basically nothing on here now I have 50k that's like a lot of people! you my friend are inspiring. an idol, definitely. you make me look at something through a different point of view. goodness astrid, you're extraordinary. love you so so much. you'll never know how much you saved me. in many ways then one. can you do me a favor? save this message? screenshot it and if you're ever feeling down look at this or just your comments in general. they're full of positivity. you're future is bright. keep doing what you're doing love.
hmmmm…an opinion on your account? well this might be an hour long but here's MY opinion…I first found out about your account not too long ago and I have realized that I have missed so much inspiration and so much motivation! you are the highlight of my whole day astrid! I know you hear these things over and over and over again but it's truly true!!!!! you don't understand how much I look up to you even if it's just on the Internet! if I were ever to meet you I would hug you so much and tell you how much you saved me! I hope you are something HUGE one day! (even though you are an amazing person now) you saved so many others on here and I just want to say the BIGGEST thank you in the whole entire world!!! ilysm you will never know! thank you astrid for your positivity and just being you! it truly makes us so bright and happy to hear your inspirational and amazing speeches! I always read them before I go school because they motivate me and just get me so happy and ready to start the day. so thank you so much again astrid your the sweetest person ever and your my hero. I know you see these a lot but I truly truly TRULY mean it, you are amazing💜💗 Stay amazing and inspirational and reach for your dreams💜✨xoxo, Bri
Astrid, you are truly amazing. Your collages are unique and beautiful in style, skill, and photography, but there's so much more than just that. Your quotes are gorgeous. They explain the truth, along with their extravagant wording. That, along with the editing adds up to your collages being flawless. You never fail to impress me. Ever.💐🍃
CONGRATS✨😊😊you have made it into my "Friendliest Collager Competition!" GOOD LUCK😊👋[from your very sick😪friend😭and #1 fan, HunnyBunnyBee, LOVE U LOTS ASTRID💗💗]
Astrid, I think you already know my opinion on your account 😆 You're just amazing and with every post you deliver new inspiration. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better person, and I'm proud to call you my friend. 😉💖💐
Bro your account is so aesthetically pleasing (I'm not even joking)
THIS IS SO PRETTY (just hyperventilating over here don't mind me) 😍😍😍
This is such a great quote! Could you please come check out my page? You are my pic collage inspiration!☺️💕
Your acc is beautiful & over all perfect 🎀💎 Ly 💕 ~ -Kalamazoo-
okay the quote inspirational 🙌🙌I love it umma make it my screen saver and ur account I like it 😊it's awesome and I love everything yu post 😊💞👏🏻
Astrid, your account is 10000000000+/10💖you are absolutely amazing😍 and you inspire so many people👑Keep up the good work😇You'll do great things for this world✨💞👑💟💝💖
my opinion on your account: it's probably the best account on PC and I'm completely serious it's very inspirational and has so many cool segments there's nothing else like it and nothing can compare!! your queen of PC!!
your account is the most inspirational, beautiful and perfect of all😍💕😊 It always cheers me up when I'm having a bad day😇💓 please don't ever change!😘
I'd don't like your account I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!
A+ 💕
Ok what do you think we are all going to say? Maybe a billion zillion million gazillion (ok that's not even a number😂) But more than that! I just can't right it on here! In other words, I'm saying INFINITY out of INFINITY!
this is AMAZING!!
The term "eyebrows on fleek" is incorrect. "ASTRID_SAENZ on fleek" makes more sense
you're account is so inspiring❤️you are so perfect and i literally jumped when you followed me a few weeks ago.💦💘thank you for making me feel that i belong here😇💓