OMG! I LOVE THIS!! 😻😻😻 rate 1-10?!

Tags: PConly bubbles Piccollage only username love heart fab collage no stickers... not a contest.... but coming soon! Bright tumblr photography love outdoors adventure indie vintage


OMG! I LOVE THIS!! 😻😻😻 rate 1-10?! Tags: PConly bubbles Piccollage only username love heart fab collage no stickers... not a contest.... but coming soon! Bright tumblr photography love outdoors adventure indie vintage

600 7
I'd give this a ten
well idk I think... 10!!!!!!
what do you mean? πŸ’–
awesome! which one was it?
oh awesome! πŸ˜ŒπŸ’–
i honestly think PC isn't gonna feature me last feature was like months ago
oh cool! πŸ’•βœ¨
59K! 😍
That would be greatly appreciated! Maybe one of my last 4 maybe? πŸ˜†
you're amazing!
congrats on 59k!
True πŸ˜†
I'll post a summer themed collage in a few days, k? 😝
so trueπŸ˜€
I'll try 😁
thank you but your page is more gorgeous than mine😊😘
Tysm! (: xx
ok thank you! can we do A collab. I have only made one tho.
no I don't think they r..
I made a summer collage. Can you check it out please?
Hey bestie, i made the summer collage, could you ask PC? or check it out πŸ˜πŸ’•
what do you mean full sized?
ohh πŸ˜‚ do you think it's good? *just curious!*
wow this is amazing
hey queen✨ how's the collab going? i thought you were gonna send some pics. sorry ,love you😍😘
thank you for commenting I appreciate it a lot and btw i love your collages😊😘
Can You Make me an icon? Using one of Your We heart IT Images?!πŸ˜€ Please!
100000! tysm for the follow
tysm I'll start 😘😘 been off for 2 days 😭 ✈️
yeah no problem
Hey. I know everyone hates these but please check out my page😭I make games but so far nobody has enteredπŸ’”it would make my day if you could enter, as right now I feel really sad and let down😞thanks for reading and I do hope you enterπŸ™
it's my own quote(because I only use my own quotes) we can change it if you want
would it be possible for my summer contest to make it up onto the contest page? I basically never get any entries so this would be a nice changeπŸ’–β˜€οΈ
I'm so dumb... πŸ˜‚ sorry
this is awesome! please go check out my collages and if you could check out my contest that would be coolπŸ˜βœ¨πŸ‘ΌπŸΌβ€οΈπŸ’‹
I know! My mom took my phone away and my piccollage wasn't working and I couldn't even get into the app! It's alright though
well duh 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000..........(goes on forever)
Because I was complaining about my softball game when it was 90 degrees πŸ˜‚
I didn't get to enter! 😭
I scrolled down the "News" section in my notifications and the first notification I got from PC was on September 1st, 2014. (I know because PC always gives you a notification as soon as you make an account)
Whoops. πŸ˜‚
oh my grape! That's wayyy hot! I live in the northeastern region of USA so it doesn't get that hot (occasionally it might)
I used to keep a journal but I stopped doing it
Are you 13-16 years old? (Sorry of I sound stalker-yπŸ˜‚)
You've been my friend for a while πŸ˜‚
Why what? πŸ˜‚
I just kept forgetting! πŸ˜‚ I always keep a journal of my vacations though
You bully. πŸ˜‚ I'll tell you mine
Gah fine πŸ˜‚
I didn't actually follow that rule πŸ˜‚
Maybe πŸ˜†
Maybe not πŸ˜†
awww!! thanks so much!!!
uhmm how about the one left to the ice cream
I still have it saved, I can just change the background
So when's my icon ready?
was wondering if you could send PC more collages of mine? it's okay if not but, I'm trying to grow my PC
love it
can we collab one day?
really awesome πŸ’–
I've been there it's called HorseShoe Bend it's in Arizona