Collage by Jesusgirl2002


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so do we have no freedom?
who do have freedom God just wanted you to make the right decisions so he gave you a conscious so you can tell if what you are doing is wrong
the Lord cares about you and loves you so he tries to direct you to the right path in life
what about the babies who die so very young, or those who have an awful, pain fulled life? where was the Lord then? did they deserve that?
he can't really love all of us, and want the best for all of us, if he inflicts pain on some and not others. in my opinion, if there is a God, he is incredibly sadistic.
I'm just curious to see what opinions a Christian would have on these things
God dose love everyone and cares for everyone we might not understand why things happen but God has a reason for everything
Gods love is everlasting he loves you very much
let's just agree to disagree, huh? I think it's really amazing that you can have such faith in God and his actions - I'd love to have the same undying trust and belief! personally, religion and God is not a part of my life, despite it being so when I was younger. I'd recommend reading the God delusion, it might let you see things from another perspective? it's an interesting read
but thanks for replying! I wasn't sure if you would! I love hearing different opinions and beliefs - it makes life more interesting!
ok thanks for reading I love sharing the word of God
haha I'm the same with animal rights and animal welfare