I'm sexually attracted to females but this boyyy is hēll a fiine


I'm sexually attracted to females but this boyyy is hēll a fiine

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the eyebrows are my weeknesses
can they teach me how to do my eyebrows like that please
yea me too
that's a fat lie,you should see my best guy friend when he does his eyebrows, it'll make U drop
those eyebrows on POINT I want those brows
I swear I feel that boys do makeup better than girls like no offense tho. My uncle does his makeup better than most of the makeup artists
idk what people be talking about cuz when I put on makeup I look hella ratchet 😂
this offends me. it makes me so angry why can't I be that beautiful srsly stahppp
that looks... 😣😣😥😵😳😮... not gonna lie. it looks bad and wrong. bye bye. I figured out how to block