Hey girls I am Blake I am 18 and I am jock 
And I am engaged to Emma


Hey girls I am Blake I am 18 and I am jock And I am engaged to Emma

16 0
thanks my brother took it
I love that babe
hey just changed my profile picture anyway where were we
ok leans in to kiss her
hey guys so when are you getting married πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ™…
idk we can get married today
ok someone start the marriage
then send me the invitation plz
they my friend just Broucke up just help me with advice
welcome they need to move on
how she still likes him and him likes me so what
just say sorry I am not available and why are you COMMING to me for advice
but how can you help me I can't tell her because she is my best friend πŸ™„πŸ˜πŸ˜³
where is she
now beside me she is crying but she needs advice
ok tell her that she doesn't need a man to complete her that's what friends are for
she was dumped because she was like demanding😳
hey are you ther
well don't demand things that's not cool
but she is like the popular at school
hey you on
send a pic of her
done go to your rime
send a pic of the boyfriend
do not have it but she does not whant to see him forever
so if you're engaged to Emma.... why are you showing "hot" pics of "you" (by you I mean Internet people) to show off yourself?