im sorry for posting such sad things but i just *sigh*


im sorry for posting such sad things but i just *sigh*

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you're so pathetic..... I'm sorry but it's true. don't hate this world and why did u fking ask "w-what h-happened" whenever the new posting happened? you're just out to get her!
what are you talking about? who am i out to get? also dont tell me not to hate this world, i think u can make that decision, and im not pathetic! if i was pathetic i would be breaking down crying every night.
well also once the hate page changed to the fan page you unfollowed! and don't act different cause yesterday I was looking at the follows and today I'm lookin at them and you unfollowed.... that was a real ignorent move
i unfollowed cuz its a fan page for someone im not following! like why would i be following a fan page for someone i dont really know!
ok sure we'll you were following a HATE page
i was following it to keep up with what was happening! now that its a fanpage i dont need to because there is no problem!
mhmm just keep doing that
can you just leave me alone now and stop acting like you know me??? its really annoying so please stop filling my collage with your nonsense