Hey. I'm sorry I haven't posted. That hater got me down. It took my a couple hours of SU songs before I could get recollected. Thanks for being there.


🔪❤️CLICK❤️🔪 Hey. I'm sorry I haven't posted. That hater got me down. It took my a couple hours of SU songs before I could get recollected. Thanks for being there.

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WHO'S THE HATER? I can't believe people here on PC actually thinks it's ok to make hate pages. When will people learn?
Why are you being mean to her? You know that hate is a horrible thing, so why spread it?
hey. how are u doing...
don't worry. I'll take care of this hater. even if I have to do it myself.
Oh, ok, I was worried and I thought you were crying from tears of sadness. But I'm proud of you: some people aren't really brave enough to stick up for themselves. I'm also really glad that there are other people that will come in and help you in tough times!