Not again...


Not again...

3 1
Both of you can! he's equally the same for both of you!
i am having a bad time too...because of her i was about to jump out of the window...😔
and i am a psyco
i can even kill whit out knowing
and yea i she is still my enamy
she posted picks of Vincent and her
that made me So angry that now i about to kill myself
You guys know Vincent is a character in a gamer...right? I mean, aren't you taking this too seriously? I'm pretty sure if Vincent was here he'd just turn right around leave.
wow, so original. Do you have a little imagination in there
We aren't "in" anywhere, though, but I appreciate the correction in your punctuation. Also, I could argue that "everyone's original" or "I've actually been in art competitions and featured on the featured page", but that sounds cheesy, so I'll cut to the chase. Please, back off of the people whom I associate with. You're angering a lot more people than you think. This is real life, not some "silly imaginative" world, you can't just threaten people and tell them to kill themselves, because they can take that to heart. I'm a person, too. So is she. So are they. So are you. No one deserves what you've done to her, and maybe I should apologize for a great many things too. However, allow me to clarify this one thing. Life isn't a game and this is part of life. There are real people where with real thoughts and emotions. Stop acting like you're better than anyone because we're all in the same boat in the end.
okay this person seriously deserves a medal