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hey sorry I just got out of track🙌🏽
cool. I used to do track
yah I just had a meet yesterday.
oh do u run distance? or do you do sprints?
I run distance😎 1600&2400
ohhhh same
I could do 1600 in 7 minutes max
do you do any other sports?
soccer😌💙⚽️ and cross country😏
well obviously soccer! I used to do a lot of other sports but now I just make soccer a priority
same cause that's is my passion
if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
13 I'm in 8th grade
oh same I just turned 14 and I'm in the 8th grade too
what's ur favorite nationality and club?
Brazil and Barcelona girl😂💙⚽️
ohh well I favor holland and England, but I do like Brazil. my fav clubs are Real Madrid man city Ajax and Dortmund
NYCFC is cool too
yah. I like la Galaxy
oh that's a very good team too
did you watch real vs barca?
el Classico🙌🏽🙌🏽
yeah it was a great game
it was very close, but I was so excited when Ronaldo scored!!!
😂😂 see I was so upset lol
well obviously cuz ur a Barça fan
😂😂 true I'm me and one of my guy besties cried when we didn't make it to the semis💀😫
oh wow
yeah I know like three die hard barça fans but most of my friends like other teams
during el Classico last year in the beginning of the season, a friend of mine broke his phone when he threw it when barça scored the 3rd goal
😂😂😂 OMG that's something I would do. I'm intense when I watch it play soccer.💪🏽
yeah facts
it's like a whole group of me and my friends like that and sometimes when we watch games together someone ends up being shamed if their team looses😂
when Barça got out of the champions league, a friend put on his snapchat that he was salty and that is now his nickname 'salty'
OMG😂😂 that is totally something I would say too lol. and sorry I haven't been liking or responding to you😔. I've just been busy with exams at school.
it's alright
and same, between studying for finals and regents I've barely been posting
Fr me too and I'm sorry again I have another round of finals to go through
hey did you know barcas Marc Bartra just joined your team?!
so exciting