


34 44
trtt trtt
my new ring tone
*trtt trtt* (( it's a text from me )) hey wanna watch horse pôrn
*trtt trtt* yep then let's make pórn of our own. bring food
sounds gud but I swear to god the food better not be involved
another kink of mine
christ above eddie
you love it really
stop this i am 4
ok time for #ChildPørnography
fûckin pedö
Ship it^
bïtCH I AM 4.
exactly so slap my aśs and call me a pedophile
Guess what🤔 it’s clown hunting season 👹👌💦💦💦and u know what that means time to hunt for some clown côck😛🍆don’t let that clown juggle his balls all by himself 👀👅💦u know they aren’t just lurking in the shadows but also in that 😼😼😼who cares if u get a little freaky clowns are known for their knives and chainsaws ⚒🗡😏😏open your mouth wider than that creepy clown grin 👅👅👅and it’ll be full of clown dïck in no time 👺👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿send this to 12 of your kïnkiest clown stalkers and hope that bobo will satisfy them tonight
fuçk yourself
where :) did :) the :) halloween :) fûck :) go :)
it'll come don't worry spaztard