I do role plays and in them I make my name Isabella


I do role plays and in them I make my name Isabella

4 2
thanks!! you now have 100.00
thx :D
Ok!! Thanks for joining! You start off with 50.00 and by this time tommorow night, you need a house and food!! Also, if you give me a shoutout, you earn 50.00 more dollars for a grand total of 100.00!! Always remeber the no 1 rule, have fun!!
you have been adopted by brooklyn10 and ak24!!
since you were adopted, you money was combined. your family has 500.00
also heres you paycheck for the week: 125 dollars!
you got a raise. you make 25$ an hour and yeah, enjoy it!
your money has been updated, 625.00
did u see ur new house?? its pretty big!! im excited for u!
just so you know, we are ur sisters, not ur parents. Sure, we will always be there for u and stuff, but u dont need to tell us where your goin and everything. If you did want to though, thats ok! Also, congrats about the promotion, but u don't need to work anymore if u don't want to!!
but u dont need to tell us where you go and stuff. you totally can though if u want to!!
also, congrats on ur promotion!! but u don't need to work if u don't want to!!