School is over yes


School is over yes

14 0
@blue_cupcakes_grace he has a gf so gtfo
y did u say maybe? 😔
sorry I don't like hurting people's feelings so I say maybe
oh okay
ya I treat everyone fare
that's nice but you should've said no bc were dating :(
ya sorry
it's okay I still love you 😊
so did your step dad hurt u today
no not yet. I haven't even gone home yet
I kinda wanna run away but I'd probably get caught anyway
ware are you then
I'm walking to dunkin donuts. idk where to go
I hate everything
I love dunkin donuts
haha same :)
something in common we are perfect together 👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍👨
yup 😍
what should I do? what do u honestly think
got iny family
u mean the one that abuses me. yea I've got them :(
no not them
well my step cousins/ siblings (idk what to call them) live like 6 hrs away. but no. I have no family who lives near me and my mom left me
I feel so bad
I'm sorry
no it's fine I just wish I could help you
I wish I could see u irl. I'd hug u and kiss u for hours. I'd be so much happier
ya me to
I think I'm gonna go sleep on a park bench now. I'm exhausted. goodbye
I love you❤️❤️💋
love and will never stop loving you and praying
she is strong
how old are you
old enough
are you sure
are you sure you are not like 10
what you think