This is all about me this is my world want some all you got to do is asked hey I want some no you ain't getting jack


This is all about me this is my world want some all you got to do is asked hey I want some no you ain't getting jack

13 0
I like that sway and that chain u got on
thank you for the compliment that chain is bling ain't it and I text you earlier about somebody messing with you
I thanks
don't let nobody mess with you I got yo back k want to be friends and chat sometime
what grade are u n like 1st grade
no she is in 6 grade boo get it right the first time....TF u talking about πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
what that crazy wack girl talking bout she better get it straight before me and my best friend love and bae fight you
thank you for sticking up for me I really appreciate that
no problem girl I got u u tt cousin and she my best friend so yeah girl I got u πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ’ΈπŸ˜Ž
u funny u called her a dummy bruh so funny πŸ˜‚
yeah you want to be my fake cousins yeah she is one talking bout somebody
if I met her I would had knock her out into next week she won't be able to call 911 I am really mad at her for saying I am in 1st grade
😑😑😑😑😑 I got your back to cousin
lol ok we can be cousins
ok what you doing
I do not feel good I feel hot
nun u
I ain't doing nothing just sitting in here in band it's 64 of us just waiting to play
hey t
hey what you doing tell takayla I am really sorry ask her if we can be friends now and tell her I will give her four jolly ranchers plus cherry
please tell her at school
hey best friend
hey girl nihiem your brother can I be your sis what are u doing to day bessfran I am at home watching tv And talking to and callista
do u want takayla account hers is tt famous
do u want shamya
never mind takayla is famous1 sorry callista is violetxoxo
I mean callista is CallistaGilbert no space or space