I use firefox and safari too much lol


I use firefox and safari too much lol

67 1
OH MY GOSH, THIS GAME IS MY LIFE!! haha jk, but it's actually addictive! 😂
OMG YESSSSS!!! I played that on-stop for an hour yesterday when our wifi went out!😂😂😂
there's a little app you can get called Steve depending on what phone you have and you can play the dinosaur game on your phone whenever XD
yes I love that game! everyday in technology class my computer always didn't have wifi, so while everyone else were doing their projects I was there playing that game, until ofcourse my teacher could connect my computer to the wifi again! 😁😁👏👏
I love this game so much! Whenever I have no internet connection I always play this game. It's so ADDICTING! You can download the app. (it depends on what kind of phone you have) My high school is 1163 😋💕
high score**