Collage by Loganpettryand


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can post a pic of your face plzzz
awww Logan it’s okay
it’s hard
ik Logan just take some time off from it
I keep thinking about her because i want to think about her
awwwwwwwwwww! ask ask her outtttt!
btw she cut herself
and give her a higggggggg
hug *
why did she cut herself
guess what I did a nail went in my hand and I could see my bones
but I’m better more worried about her
omgggg are u okay!
and she cut herself because she misses u
awwww y’all are soooooo cuteeee!
tell her I said I miss her to
she said she misses u too
are you lying
I miss her so much and I ❤️ her