Eh. Proved her wrong.


Eh. Proved her wrong.

26 3
thanks. ✨
I don't even know how u draw this good
1 word WOW
This is so amazing! You are such a talented drawer!
your not ugly your beautiful
Your a terrible artist.
this is amazing!
Im not terrible, you must be blind.
and to everyone else, im sorry for the delayed drawings, i've been a bit busy and junk. i'm currently on my school labtop to check on my comments and stuff, after my test on friday, which is a BIG one, i'll get to the remaining requests, and thank you SO MUCH for all these sweet comments! i'll do a GREAT JOB on your drawings! see you guys later!
this is great!
this is AMAZING
u didn't draw that I saw it in a class 1 year before this was posted
omg that is sooo cool
@following_tutorials *you're