Collage by unicorn-emoji-27


1 1
so I don't wanna keep asking and asking and asking and asking... but
ummmmm ROUND 2 IS UP AND I REALLY DONT WANT YOU TO BE ELIMINATED SO PLEASE ENTER IT CLOSES IN A FEW DAYS IM SORRY IM YELLING IT JUST MALES ME FEEL LIKE IM TALKING FAST!!! woohoo glad that's over. sorry about the CONSTANT notifications but I just want to make sure you have a chance to win.
please understand
and if you don't understand... I will.
💜 or 💩
one more thing
you're entry for Jay in round 1 was AMAZING!!!!
ok one more I swear this is the last one (for now)
ok so I don't want this to seem like it is a Decandents Games update page. I'll chat about other stuff too!!!
ok now decide... 💜 or 💩