Check the comments!πŸ’›


Check the comments!πŸ’›

15 0
Q- Favorite Tv Show? A- Scream the tv series but I also like a ton of others!πŸ˜‚βœ¨
Q-Favorite Fandom I'm in? A- that's so hard! I love meeting people from the Shadowhunters fandom, but that's not my favorite fandom to watch/read, but it's one of my favorites! I really like the horror movie fandomπŸ˜πŸ’›
Q-Thoughts on Sebastian Verlac? A-I love him😍
A-Have you heard of the play Hamilton? A-Yesssss!!!! I love Hamilton so much! I really want to see it when the Chicago production opens because I live in the Midwest!😍
Q-Worst Movie you've ever seen? A-Children of the Corn! i don't understand why people like it! it's so stupid. Also Halloween 3:Season of The WitchπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’I hate them both!
Children of the CornπŸ˜‚that's such a strange name...
Q-Favorite Color? A-BLACK!!!!βž°πŸ’€πŸ—πŸ“½
Q-Hair color? A-Blonde. I currently have the tips dyed red but I'll have to take that out before school
A-NOTP Q-Currently my biggest one is Zoah from scream. I call them Noe instead because no! But I also don't like Saia(TMI),Benzo(The Vampire Diaries),Spaleb(Pretty Little Liars)
lol I mixed up the letter in my last answer. I put A first πŸ˜‚
Q-Opinion of Giraffes A-They're cool I guessπŸ˜‚
Q-Favorite Teen Wolf character? A-Stiles!!!!πŸ’•STYDIA forever also😍
Oh my...that's a weird plotπŸ˜‚
Q-are you secretly a pickle? A-I'm afraid notπŸ˜‚
Q-what are your favorite bands? A-I only listen to one band, fifth harmony
Q-unicorns or dragons? A-dragons!🐲
Q-When you see a frog do you give it tiny clothes. A-yes, it's my secret hobbyπŸ˜‚
Q-Do you support Zebracorns? A-Yesss! Zebracorns deserve rights!πŸ˜‚
Q-Favorite Movie? A- Psycho!πŸ”ͺ
Q-Would you rather be a potato or a piece of bread? A-a piece if bread all the way!
I'll be answering more sometime tomorrow!πŸ’›πŸ˜˜
it's fineπŸ˜‚
when I see a frog, I give it tiny clothes too!! it's also my secret hobby!! πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚
and YESSS Fifth Harmony!!!