You can see my tattoo 😐


You can see my tattoo 😐

44 28
I'm right here...
mhm 😞😭
Keana you deserve so much better than me 😞
Anthony is better
anyone is better than me
Keana I need said that I was yours again 😞
I'm screwed up
I want to be yours again but I can't. I can't go in evaluate Anthony will take you away from me
he's so much better than me
you'll fall for him and leave me 😞👏
I'm screwed up and he's ALL THAT. look at him for gods sake 😭 he's way better than I'll ever be 😭😭😭
what does that do? 😭 shows me how stupid I am 😭 how much better he is than me 😭
how he makes you happy and here I am making you cry all day? 😭😭
I wish I could 😞
I'm not good enough
because I'm not! all I do is make you sad when everyone else makes you happy an I'm the worst boyfriend in the world 😭😭😭
fine 😭 If you want to be hurting and crying and sad all the dam time 😭😭 that's all I do to you 😭
mhm 😭😭 I'm so screwed up 😭
why in the dam world would you want me 😭😭🔫
what 😞
wanna tell me how dumb I am? how dam stupid I am?
what? 😞
oooh your chest was too big? 😏😞 I'm still sad and I'm trying to be happy and I can't 😞
what hurts babygirl? 😏 I'll just pretend for now
oh baby let daddy make them feel better 😉 (goodluck)