Don't worry if you couldn't, I don't think I could've either. Comment if you did though! #Throwback. What's your favourite HP couple? Mines Romione and I love Drapple (Draco and Apple)


💋CLICK WITH YOUR NOSE💋 Don't worry if you couldn't, I don't think I could've either. Comment if you did though! #Throwback. What's your favourite HP couple? Mines Romione and I love Drapple (Draco and Apple)

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Drapple is my OTP omg 🍏😂
oh yeah-drapple😂 and of course the amazing romione btw yes(do send it to me)
r4? are you talking about the droid in Star Wars(I didn't get that) xx
I tried but I couldn't! Romione is probably second. I am a big time shipper of HINNY
Have you seen TheFluProdz work on YouTube? It's awesome and she's a big Romione shipper.