Alex and Mac comment below I have something to tell you two-booty girl😂(Bai)


Alex and Mac comment below I have something to tell you two-booty girl😂(Bai)

18 57
What? -Alex
okie so I will be choosing on Saturday I'm gonna be spending time with you both and I'll will pick on Saturday okie?
Ok, I don't wanna wait. At some point Saturday I'm going to a Cabin and won't have Internet though
ok I'll be picking around like noon or one
I will might be gone by then. But I will check as soon as I get back
alright it might be earlier or it might be Friday night
Ok, I'm so worried your going to pick him
I'm not sure yet you guys have tonight and tomorrow to be all nice to me and stuff
I'm nice to you all the time
I know that's not what I meant sorry