Ugh bleh back to school tomorrow yay. *sarcasm* *stabs self with sharp pencil*


Ugh bleh back to school tomorrow yay. *sarcasm* *stabs self with sharp pencil*

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OHMIGOSH 🙊 I DO CARE 😱😂 I pretty much laugh at anything but yeah I got to admit, this one is hilarious 😂 THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING BECAUSE YOURE AWESOME AND ONE OF MY IDOLS AND NOW I'M JUST REALLY HAPPY 😂😄
OMIGOSH I'M EVEN MORE HAPPY NOW 😂😱 I meant everything I wrote there, you're truly an amazing person, inside and out! you're very welcome, I just can't believe that I'm talking to you 😂💕
and yes I can read it all :)
of course I wouldn't find it annoying! nothing annoys me really (except my older brother 😒), haha, I can relate to the not talking much, but I'm a psycho around my friends though. It's quite alright! I'm glad you vented it all out to ME, of all people 😂 and same here, I need to talk, I'm a very talkative person! (most people find it annoying, I hope you don't 😁😳😂)