Check my Kings collage to check out this intense conversation


Check my Kings collage to check out this intense conversation

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ur kings trash
curry is trash. all he does is shoot 3s
at least he makes dem
wat about K.d. and Klay
u guys trash 17 wins๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…
ALMOST as bad as browns
back in the day, we would DESTROY you guys!
back then...
at least we didn't blow a 3-1 lead
at least we get there
trash refs calling draymond flagrant in critical game
wat year did u guys win, 1951, that's it?
We would've won it in 2002 if it weren't for those B.S calls in game 6. look it up. It is rigged
just like last year for warriors
did u not see draymond B S flagrant call?
or even series at all?
Yeah.... You guys should've won it all again
Please watch the video. Just look up " Sacramento Kings rigged "